Manual work is costly because of the large quantities and varieties. Switches, lamps, and sockets are common components for engineers in drawing electrical system diagrams. Use Block Attribute to create customized component library for easy reuse. You could accomplish an electrical system diagram easily by employing a variety of drawing and editing commands in ZWCAD.
A complete and precise electrical system diagram is key to programming, analyzing electrical circuits, and preventing circuit faults.Īs one of the best 2D CAD software, ZWCAD has been widely used in the electronics industry, efficiently aiding enterprises like Bosch®, Siemens®, Zhongheng®, Kinwong®, Keyvia®.
It is applied to indicate the role of each electrical component, their interrelationship, and the electrical working principle. An electrical system diagram is a schematic layout concatenating various electronic components like power, resistance, wire, and electrical symbols like the voltage, current, etc.